Changing This World For Women, Now

Even though it has been happening for years, the past few months have surfaced more than its fair share of injustices against women in the business world and I have felt powerless to make changes...till now.

Here are some of these articles that have propelled me to do something about it, without delay:

Comparing how male and female entrepreneurs are described by VCs

Google's underpayment of women is 'systematic' claims U.S. government

The sexism described in Uber employee's report is why women leave tech -- or don't enter at all

I am inspired by my Wharton classmate's wife, Angela Lee, who started 37 Angels some years ago to close the gender gap in angel investing. She is making a difference by empowering women to go beyond income creation to wealth creation.

Given my startup and 20 years' marketing experience, I have decided to serve as an advisor to startups. Since time is limited, I still do need to spend my time primarily with those startups that have a good chance of succeeding, but I will commit to hearing out all the women founders who would like to pick my brain and explore my advisory capacity. This is one way I feel I can help make a change. If women are not given a fair shake by men, I'd like to give them a fighting chance of success by lending my insights based on my journey and experience.

Obviously, the business idea still needs to be sound, the team and its product/service and execution still need to be solid, and the founder's unfailing dedication and leadership need to be evident, but the seat at the table is always open. Let's make a change in this world for the better, together!


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