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Driving Hard with Love

For a long time, I've struggled to explain to people why I just can't seem to stop driving so hard. Those who have worked with me and have known me over the years have described me as the following: an intense, hardworking person exhausting to be with -- can't seem to rest pursues my passions with unrelenting vigor and focus ambitious and competitive Then, I encountered this quote which I feel explains a lot: "The more you love, the more meaning your life has. The less you love, the less meaning your life has." -- Peter S., Philosopher  To take it a step further, there is a compounding effect to this love spiral! I have learned that when I love what I do, it creates more meaning in what I do, which then makes me love doing that even more. It is this ever-intensifying process which sucks me in and explains why it is difficult for me to rest, pull away, or stop what I am doing.  From work to sports, nothing that I pursue intently -- despite being hard on myself by s

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