New Beginnings and Marcus Aurelius

Recently, I read a book on Marcus Aurelius' "Meditations". It was an amazing book written by a Roman emperor thousands of years ago. Yet, much of his observations and quotes are still useful and pertinent today. Times change, but people really don't.

Today, I start a brand new job at  a mobile app tech start-up called RapidSOS. (Do read the article in the New York Times published today about it.) It's a new beginning for me, and an exciting time ahead. The path ahead will no doubt be filled with great challenges, given my aggressive goals. A quote from the book comes to mind:

"You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength."

I have been greatly blessed by the intellect and support of my family and friends. They have been my rock and inspiration all rolled into one. I learn from them in so many ways: from sage advice from my mom, actions from my dad, words of encouragement from friends and colleagues, even inaction by others help me see that every action has an impact.

For most of my working career thus far, I had worked at firms that seek to improve the lives of its customers and clients. Today, I begin a new journey, and a new ambition: to save lives of others. Here's another quote that came from the book:

“A man’s worth is no greater than the worth of his ambitions.”

I hope to fulfill my new ambition and be successful so that others may have the life (saved) to pursue their worthwhile ambitions.

To help in these worthwhile efforts, do participate and like the Facebook page and follow RapidSOS on Twitter, and of course share it with your network.

Thanks and look out for more postings on this journey ahead!


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