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Do you choose to be committed, interested or disinterested?

When a stranger at the subway station passes by, you pretty much ignore them because you are disinterested in them. But if the stranger trips and falls right in front of you, you might become interested and ask if they are OK, which is the bare minimum for being polite. However, if that stranger grabs their chest and falls unconscious, you might become committed by calling 9-1-1, performing chest compressions and staying till the paramedics arrive on scene, even if it makes you late for your next appointment. When you are interested in something, you choose to be accountable but you'd typically do the bare minimum -- when convenient -- and often need to be told what to do. If you are committed (e.g. to that relationship or role/job), you choose to be responsible; you take initiative (don't have to be told what to do) and tend to go above and beyond. Your highest chance of success in any endeavor you pursue comes from choosing to be fully committed. When you choose not to be acc

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